Hurricane Window Replacement Kissimmee FL

Hurricane Windows

A hurricane window is a specially designed and constructed window system created to withstand and resist the extreme forces and debris from hurricane winds.

Hurricane windows consist of impact-resistant glass made from multiple layers: two sheets of glass bonded with one or more interlayers of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or SentryGlas®. This laminated construction ensures that even if the glass is broken by flying debris, the shattered pieces adhere to the interlayer, preventing them from becoming dangerous projectiles and maintaining an intact barrier against wind and rain.

Apart from providing protection from hurricanes, these windows also offer added benefits such as noise reduction, UV protection, and enhanced security against potential break-ins.

Where to Install Hurricane Windows?

Hurricane windows should be installed throughout your home to protect against severe weather. While many homeowners first consider placing them on the most exposed sides of the house, it's important to recognize that hurricanes and storms can change direction rapidly, making every home exterior window vulnerable.

By ensuring all windows—including those facing patios, porches, and even those on higher floors—are impact-resistant, you safeguard your home from potential breaches. It prevents sudden pressure changes that can cause significant structural damage and ensures consistent protection against flying debris and forceful winds.

hurricane window replacement Kissimmee

Hurricane Replacement Windows: Standing Strong Against Storms

Impact resistance is a major consideration when choosing hurricane window replacements. At its core, the goal is to protect your home from the devastating force of hurricane winds and the dangerous flying debris they can carry. A window's impact resistance is determined by its construction and the materials used. Here's what you need to consider:

Laminated Glass Construction

Laminated glass is the primary component responsible for our window’s impact resistance. The design involves two sheets of glass bonded with a clear interlayer:

  • PVB Laminated Glass: This is the more common type. PVB is a resilient plastic layer sandwiched between layers of glass. When the glass breaks, the PVB layer keeps the shards together, preventing dangerous breakage.
  • SentryGlas® Laminated Glass: This is a newer, stronger interlayer material. Windows with SentryGlas® are even more robust and offer better clarity, edge stability, and resistance to yellowing over time.

Tempered Glass vs. Standard Glass

While laminated glass is the gold standard for impact resistance, the type of glass used in the lamination also matters:

  • Tempered Glass: This type of glass is heat-treated to increase its strength. When it breaks, it shatters into small, rounded pieces instead of sharp shards. When used in hurricane windows, it adds an extra layer of safety.
  • Standard Glass: This is the typical glass used in most windows. When combined with laminated construction, it offers good impact resistance but may not be as strong as tempered glass.

Tinted or Coated Glass for Additional Protection

While the primary purpose of tinting or coating is to provide UV protection or enhanced energy efficiency, some coatings can add to the window’s structural integrity, giving an added layer of resistance against impacts.

Thickness of the Glass and Interlayer

The overall thickness of the laminated glass, including the interlayer, affects impact resistance. In general, thicker laminated glass offers better protection against wind-borne debris and pressure changes during hurricanes. Depending on the specific needs and location of a property, one might opt for different thickness levels. For instance, a coastal property directly facing the sea might benefit from thicker glass compared to an inland property.

The Frame Materials You Consider When Choosing for Hurricane Replacement Windows

The frame material of a hurricane window plays a critical role in both the window's performance and aesthetics. While the glass provides impact resistance, the frame supports the glass and ensures the entire unit functions correctly under stress. Different materials offer various benefits in terms of durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost.

Hurricane Window Aluminum Frames

  • Strength and Durability: Aluminum is a strong material, making it ideal for areas with high winds and sealing during storms.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Aluminum frames, especially those treated or coated, can resist corrosion, making them suitable for coastal homes.
  • Aesthetics: They offer a sleek, modern look and can be painted in various colors.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Aluminum is a good conductor of heat, which can be a downside in terms of energy efficiency. 

Hurricane Window Composite Frames

  • Combination of Materials: Composites are made from a blend of materials, often wood and plastic, to combine the best properties of each.
  • Durability: They offer the aesthetics of wood without as much maintenance, and they resist rot and decay.
  • Energy Efficiency: Similar to wood, composite frames have good insulative properties.
  • Weather Resistance: Often more resistant to extreme weather conditions than pure wood frames.

Hurricane Window Fiberglass Frames

  • Strength: Fiberglass is incredibly strong and can support larger panes of glass.
  • Thermal Performance: Excellent insulator, making these frames energy efficient.
  • Low Maintenance: Unlike wood, fiberglass doesn’t rot, warp, or corrode.
  • Aesthetics: Can be painted to match any color scheme, offering flexibility in design.

Hurricane Window Vinyl Frames

  • Energy Efficiency: Vinyl has excellent insulative properties, making these frames energy efficient.
  • Low Maintenance: Vinyl doesn’t rust, rot, or require regular painting. They’re relatively easy to maintain.
  • Cost: Typically more affordable than other frame materials, making them a popular choice for homeowners.
  • Variety: Available in various colors and styles, though they may become slightly less flexible in extreme temperatures.

Why Hurricane Window Installation Is For You?

Unparalleled Protection for Your Home

Hurricane windows are meticulously designed to withstand the severe forces of nature. By acting as a robust barrier against flying debris and powerful winds, these windows minimize the risk of window breaches, which could lead to significant structural damage and even personal injury during storms.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Savings

Beyond their protective features, hurricane windows offer exceptional insulation properties. This means your home can better retain cool air in the summer and warmth during the winter, reducing the strain on your HVAC system. Over time, this energy efficiency translates to noticeable savings on your utility bills.

Increased Property Value

Installing hurricane windows not only bolsters the structural integrity of your home but also can boost its market value, especially in storm-prone regions. Prospective buyers often see such installations as a valuable asset, recognizing the reduced risk and potential savings they offer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hurricane Windows in Kissimmee, FL

Hurricane windows provide essential protection for your home in Kissimmee, FL, against severe weather and high winds. These windows are built to withstand impact, ensuring the safety and security of your family. Get your chance to fortify your home and enjoy peace of mind with reliable hurricane windows today.

Hurricane windows, or impact windows, are specially engineered to withstand the extreme pressures and flying debris associated with hurricanes and severe storms. They are typically constructed with multiple layers of glass bonded together with a resilient interlayer, usually made of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or SentryGlas®. This design ensures that even if the glass breaks, it remains adhered to the interlayer, preventing dangerous shards from entering the home and maintaining a barrier against wind and rain.

Initially, hurricane windows tend to be more costly than standard windows due to their specialized construction and the materials used. However, the investment can pay off in various ways. First, they can prevent costly damages during storms. Secondly, their energy efficiency can lead to long-term savings on utility bills. And finally, they can enhance the overall value of your property, especially in regions where such installations are highly sought after.

While DIY projects can be rewarding, the installation of hurricane windows is best left to professionals. Proper installation is crucial to ensure that the windows perform effectively during storms. An improper fit or seal can compromise the window’s integrity and protective capability. A certified and experienced installer will have the expertise to ensure the windows are fitted securely and function as intended.

While homes in hurricane-prone regions undoubtedly reap the most significant benefits, hurricane windows are advantageous for homes in various settings. Beyond storm protection, these windows provide enhanced security against potential break-ins, superior noise reduction, and improved energy efficiency. This means homeowners in areas not directly threatened by hurricanes can still enjoy peace of mind, lower energy bills, and a quieter indoor environment.

With proper care, hurricane windows can last for several decades. Their lifespan is comparable to, if not longer than, traditional windows. Maintenance is relatively straightforward: regular cleaning with a mild detergent and soft cloth will keep the windows looking clear and bright. It’s also recommended to periodically inspect the seals and frames for signs of wear or damage, ensuring they continue to offer optimal protection.


Get Started Now

Fortify your home against the toughest storms with our hurricane windows. Kissimmee Window Replacement provides peace of mind through strength and durability without compromising on style.


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